/** * Batch Processor JS Object */ function NinjaBatchProcessor( settings ) { var that = this; var modalData = { closeOnClick: false, closeOnEsc: true, useProgressBar: true }; /** * If we haven't been passed any content, make sure we pass an empty content var. */ if ( 'undefined' == typeof settings.content ) { settings.content = ''; } // Set our modalData content var. modalData.content = settings.content; /** * If we've been passed a loadingText var, pass that along. */ if ( 'undefined' != typeof settings.loadingText ) { modalData.loadingText = settings.loadingText; } /** * If we haven't defined button text for our primary button, we don't want to pass button settings. * * Check to see if we've defined primary button text, and if we have, add button settings to the modalData. */ if ( 'undefined' != typeof settings.btnPrimaryText ) { modalData.btnPrimary = { text: settings.btnPrimaryText, callback: function( e ) { // Hide the buttons. modalInstance.maybeShowActions( false ); // Show the progress bar. modalInstance.maybeShowProgress( true ); // Begin our cleanup process. that.postToProcessor( that, -1, modalInstance ); } }; modalData.btnSecondary = { text: settings.btnSecondaryText, callback: function( e ) { modalInstance.toggleModal( false ); } }; } else { // If we don't have any buttons defined, then we want to run the batch process on modal open. modalData.onOpenCallback = function() { // Hide the buttons. this.maybeShowActions( false ); // Show the progress bar. this.maybeShowProgress( true ); // Begin our cleanup process. that.postToProcessor( that, -1, this ); } } this.postToProcessor = function( context, steps, modal, data ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof data ) { var data = { action: 'nf_batch_process', batch_type: settings.batch_type, security: nfAdmin.batchNonce, extraData: settings.extraData }; } jQuery.post( ajaxurl, data, function( response ) { response = JSON.parse( response ); // If we're done... if ( response.batch_complete ) { // Push our progress bar to 100%. modal.setProgress( 100 ); modal.toggleModal( false ); if ( 'undefined' != typeof settings.onCompleteCallback ) { settings.onCompleteCallback( response ); } // Exit. return false; } // If we do not yet have a determined number of steps... if ( -1 == steps ) { // If step_toal is defined... if ( 'undefined' != typeof response.step_total ) { // Use the step_total. steps = response.step_total; } // Otherwise... (step_total is not defined) else { // Use step_remaining. steps = response.step_remaining; } } // If our PHP edited our extraData variable, update our JS var and pass it along. if ( 'undefined' != typeof response.extraData ) { // Update our extraData property. data.extraData = response.extraData; } // Calculate our current step. var step = steps - response.step_remaining; // Calculate our maximum progress for this step. var maxProgress = Math.round( step / steps * 100 ); // Increment the progress. modal.incrementProgress ( maxProgress ); // Recall our function... context.postToProcessor( context, steps, modal, data ); } ); } var modalInstance = new NinjaModal( modalData ); } 1.0Sure Instrument Americahttps://sureinstrumentamerica.comadminhttps://sureinstrumentamerica.com/author/admin/Inquire Nowrich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="UbiRZbS2lW"><a href="https://sureinstrumentamerica.com/inquire-form/">Inquire Now</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="https://sureinstrumentamerica.com/inquire-form/embed/#?secret=UbiRZbS2lW" width="600" height="338" title="“Inquire Now” — Sure Instrument America" data-secret="UbiRZbS2lW" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe><script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ /*! 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